Your True Identity

Your True Identity

You have no idea how where you are right now, is preparing you for your next season.

I have to be honest, when I first started my job as a receptionist at my current employer I thought it was going to be smooth sailing; just do what I had to, be comfortable and wait until the Lord decides it is time for me to walk into my destiny and purpose. That was the biggest misconception ever because without stretching and growth we cannot become better people at all. I never worked in the sales industry before in my life and it was definitely the last job I would ever take on this earth or so I thought. God always seems to know better, in the last few months I have been stretched immensely within my workplace. There were times I wanted to run because this was not what God had called me to do at all, I’m supposed to be on some fancy island with my computer writing the next bestseller. It took me weeks to understand what God wants to accomplish and purpose within me in this season and when I became frustrated with things not going my way I wanted to resign and just find something else because I was not about to do a job that I hate for the rest of the year, there was just no way. Every day I woke up and asked myself “Are you really going back?’’ I became so discouraged because I was doing something I am not passionate about at all. Then the Lord began to deal with me daily and show me that this season is vital for my future. That this season is preparing me for my destiny and that even though I am sitting behind a desk in a reception area opening the gate for people, sweeping and mopping floors didn’t mean that it would be forever. See, I was having an identity struggle and the enemy knew that. He knew I wasn’t satisfied with where I am, he knew I wasn’t called to be a receptionist, he knew I was called to write bestsellers and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so daily he would attack me in that area. One of my colleagues would introduce me to people and say “Oh, she is just the receptionist” and that hurt me. I wanted to scream at her saying; ‘’I am not just a receptionist, I am so much more, SO MUCH MORE’’. I remember one Friday, we had a staff meeting and when she spoke about me she said “Oh, she is just a result of a young person in the community we are trying to uplift”. I was furious, I wondered how God could allow her to have such a low opinion of me, I felt she saw herself as more valuable and higher than what I am. Every day I came to the office and I mulled over her words, it gnawed at me, I knew that’s all she thought of me and saw in me. A few weeks went by and the Lord began to deal with me about how I stopped working for Him. How I no longer mop and sweep the floors and worship Him as I used to. He showed me that my problem wasn’t that colleague who broke me down with her words, my problem was that I didn’t believe I was worth more. That is why it was so easy for the enemy to use someone like her to speak those lies into my life. He reminded me that He is doing a good work in me within this season because every lesson of this season is so important for where I am headed. The challenges and training are for my own growth and that I need to come back to that place of working for His glory, seek His face and believe His word over the opinion of people who don’t understand how serious my calling is. He told me to let Jeremiah 29:11 never leave my heart - I was reminded that I am the head and not the tail, I am going up and not down, forward, and not backward because I AM the apple of His eye. I sit at my desk writing this because I know so many of you struggle with discontentment, struggle with identity issues, and being faithful in your current season. I want to remind you today, God is faithful, embrace whatever He has for you, whatever He wants to accomplish in you in this season. Remember, we cannot escape the process to the promise and His word promises us that He makes all things work together for our good. If there are people in your life who speak negatively about you, look down on you or disqualify you because of your title, don’t sweat it. David’s own father looked at him as just a shepherd boy but his Heavenly Father found him worthy to be king, and the bible says he was a man after God’s own heart. Isn’t that amazing? Don’t let your hunger for a title make you miss God in this season, even if you feel overlooked know that nothing and no one can stop God’s plan for your life, not even the colleague who doesn’t know your identity or calling. Pray for them and stay connected to God, seek His heart, read His word, and enjoy this season.

Savannah Solomons