Venue: Die Eiland, Jonkershoek Stellenbosch
Cost: R600 (includes food and accommodation)
The Invisible Heart who can understand it?
It seems complex to understand but yet, it is important that it is understood for our well-being. The Invisible Heart, although unseen, is the wellspring from which our lives flow. Everything we do flows from it; as what comes out of our mouth, is a reflection of what is in our hearts....The Invisible Heart, is a journey of discovery, monitoring and renewing. And adopting new habits of the heart is a process that many don’t know how to unlock….
Join us as we go deeper with the heart and discover and cover various aspects of the Invisible Heart. After all, life cannot be done without it; whether we speak of the physical heart (visible) or the heart which is not seen (invisible).
So Ladies, join us for a heartfelt weekend away, in the beautiful surrounding of Stellenbosch's, at Die Eiland, Jonkershoek.
P.S. Please note the cost per attendee is now R600, as there has been price increases, in making this event possible. Upon registering below, we do ask that a deposit of 50% is made upon registration.
Please see banking details below and use, NAME AND SURNAME PLUS HEART, as reference.
ACCOUNT NAME: Sweet Fragrance NPC
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 627 253 704 81
BRANCH CODE: 250 655
REFERENCE: Name & Surname & Heart
Many Thanks Ladies